Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Far Cry 2

I haven't played the original Far Cry but I do own Far Cry Instincts for Xbox. It was a fun game except the most ridiculous bug at the boss battle. I don't know if you know this but I'm gonna explain it anyway. So in the boss battle you see the main enemy on a cliff and you're being attacked by these mutant-whatever-soldiers. Keep in mind there's no way to know what you're supposed to do here. At first I was shooting the boss and killing the monsters every now and then but I was mainly focused on the boss. I thought the bulk enemies just kept on respawning and I never got very far with this tactic.

So it turns out that you have to first take out a few waves of these mutants and then they stop coming. Then you can start dealing with the boss. So the boss jumps down from the cliff and starts attacking you. Naturally I started to shoot the guy the very instant the last mutant-thing was dead. And I just kept dying and dying. Turn outs the game has a serious bug. You have to wait for the boss to jump down and WAIT for him to say a line. If you shoot him before he has delivered his awesome line he becomes invulnerable. I mean what the FUCK?!?! Who in their right mind will wait for the fucker to say anything?! He's the fucking hardest enemy in the game so of course you'll start to shoot the shit out of him at the first chance. This is definitely one of the most incredible bugs I've ever encountered. And I don't even know if it is an actual bug or did they just design it like this. Whatever the case that is fucking insane.

Okay so moving on to Far Cry 2. I wasn't planning on getting this game for a long time but I got a good deal on the Collector's edition so I had to buy it. Sadly the collector's edition isn't even very good. You get an artbook, t-shirt, map and a making of dvd. The artbook's kind of lame compared to the artbook from Fallout 3 which was awesome. Making of dvd is kind of boring because you just get to see some guys going to Africa to get reference material for the game. And a few trailers but that's about it. Also they somehow managed to write "enemies" as "ennemies" on one of the dvd menus. That's an accomplishment. I'm not really a big fan of these t-shirts either because the second I open the packing and wear the shirt it's not a collectible anymore. So I just have it lying around in a box like some other collectible game shirts. Yes I am a nerd..

I did like the atmosphere of the game. The graphics are good and gameplay is fine too. The guardposts which I've read a lot about in many reviews are really annoying. I can't figure what they were trying to prove by making the guards respawn ridiculously fast. So basically you just fight through them over and over again or at least take some hits while trying to avoid fighting. You are going to die a lot and you will become familiar with the loading screen. And the loading takes way too long. It's nice that world is open and you have to load it only once but apparently the console has to load the whole fucking thing again when you die. Not a very nice thing. Imagine if this would happen with GTA IV. Just fuck it.

I stopped playing this for a while but somehow it just crept in to my mind and I found myself playing it again. I guess that must mean something. The enemy AI is totally random and it's really impossible to try to take a tactical approach to fights. The enemy spots you at total random if you try to sneak up to them. Also the enemies are real fucking sharp shooters and you die a lot. That is until I turned the difficulty to the easiest possible and decided to play the game like Doom. So now it's way more enjoyable but obviously this isn't what the designers were trying to do. Anyways give the game a try if you see it at a bargain price..